
These are some of my related technologies and tools. As I am not so good in writing and also do not have much free time. I have tried and just finished wrote few things below.

CodeIgniter Doctrine Composer

In September 2014, I started a web project with my friends and chose to use CodeIgniter, PHP framework, and Doctrine, Object Relational Mapper. I think used Dependeny management is a good pratice, so I start configure the project with Composer, Dependency Manager for PHP. I created this project with a small footprint and the another in ci-acl branch for access control list in CodeIgniter but it is still in development.

Gitlab [IN DEVELOPMENT] CodeIgniter with ACL

Spring MVC 3 MyBatis 3 Tiles 3

When I was an intern at Mobile C&C, March – May 2013, I have experienced with some new tools like Maven, Spring framework, MyBatis and MS SQL Server. Starting to research how to used those tools base on some idea provided by senior developer at the company, I created this project on my own to try out.
